Hybrid Arbitration Finance Deals in practice – stepping beyond traditional legal fees financing
James Blick September 26th, 2019

In recent months the team at TheJudge have arranged several arbitration finance deals, which are a hybrid of a monetization arrangement and a traditional litigation finance deal.  While these arrangements were novel only a year or two back, we are … Continued

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Hulk Hogan, Sex Scandal, Revenge…and Litigation Funding
James Blick September 13th, 2016

The recent case of Terry Bollea v Gawker Media has all of the ingredients of a juicy headline-grabber – aging ex-wrestler sporting a handlebar moustache, a sex-tape showing Hulk Hogan in bed with the wife of his best friend (who … Continued

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Recent High Court ruling highlights importance of well-drafted funding agreements for Insolvency Practitioners
James Blick July 16th, 2015

Stevensdrake Ltd v Hunt & Ors [2015] EWHC 1527 (Ch) (20 May 2015) In Stevensdrake Ltd v Hunt & Ors, the High Court has dismissed an appeal brought by a liquidator seeking to avoid personal liability for legal fees under … Continued

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DBAs – “All or nothing” or has it all been for nothing?
James Blick November 12th, 2014

It was reported yesterday that the Ministry of Justice has asked the Civil Justice Council to set up a working party to propose long overdue “technical revisions” to the much-maligned Damages Based Agreements Regulations. However, in so doing, the MOJ … Continued

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Seminar: Best Practices for Selling Your Patents
James Blick November 5th, 2014

James Blick of TheJudge will be speaking on the topic of patent litigation funding at the forthcoming “Best Practices for Selling Your Patents” conference in London on 17th November 2014. The conference is aimed at patent holders considering selling their … Continued

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To Sell or to Fund? Litigation Funding or Asset Sale/Assignment
James Blick May 22nd, 2014

One of the basic principles of third party litigation funding in the UK market is that the funder cannot take an assignment of the claim. Therefore, the traditional model of third party funding sees the funder invest in the claimant, … Continued

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A Summer of Opportunity to Secure Discounted Funding?
James Blick August 5th, 2013

In any typical year, the volume of litigation funding and insurance applications drops between July and early September. Whilst this is inevitable as the allure of the holiday period takes over, this year might be an exceptional year for lawyers … Continued

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Patent Litigation: Funding and Insurance Solutions Can Break Down Barriers
James Blick May 1st, 2013

Issues of cost and funding underpin much of the current debate surrounding a number of the key issues facing the patent litigation sector, ranging from the pros and cons of the United Patents Court, to issues of forum shopping, patent … Continued

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You Still Have Options
James Blick April 26th, 2013

It is a common misconception that once patent litigation has commenced or is being contemplated, it is too late to manage and offset the associated legal costs risks. It is certainly true that it would be too late to consider … Continued

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