Litigation Funders Feel Pain of Defeat
TheJudge January 23rd, 2014

When a High Court judge rejected a $1.6bn claim against oil explorer Gulf Keystone last month, over disputed rights to Iraqi oilfields, it was not only the claimant, Excalibur Ventures, that lost out. Its financial backers in the case found … Continued

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Cross-undertaking in damages – Insurers can remove the risk
TheJudge January 13th, 2014

Litigation insurers have routinely provided solutions to tackle clients’ legal fee exposure, both adverse and own side costs.  Where security for costs is an issue almost all insurers can now offer a deed of indemnity or a bond to run … Continued

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2013 Key Highlights: A look at the years litigation funding market highlights
TheJudge December 30th, 2013

January – March 2013 An unprecedented surge in the volume of applications for ATE insurance in the run up to implementation of the Jackson reforms. Conservative estimates suggest around 6-7 times the normal volume of completed ATE insurance agreements during … Continued

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Hitting the City Heights at The Gherkin
TheJudge October 13th, 2013

At TheJudge, we’re continuing to cement our position as the world’s leading litigation funding broker. Our main office is now 30 St Mary Axe – the famous Gherkin building in the heart of the city. Over the 13 years of … Continued

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TheJudge Launches Specialist Litigation Funding Website Terminals
TheJudge September 13th, 2013

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website and specialist terminals, designed to bring you all the latest developments in the litigation funding and ATE insurance market. In addition to our main website which primarily deals with … Continued

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A Winning Pitch
TheJudge August 12th, 2013

Is Expertise Alone Still Enough? Whether your client is an individual, a small business or a large corporate, purse strings are tightening generally and everyone is trying to cut back and save money where they can. And while litigation is … Continued

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Contingency Fees Make Lawyers Better Lawyers
TheJudge July 12th, 2013

These were perhaps the standout quotes from one of the AM Top 20 panellists at our recent International Arbitration Funding panel debate in London. The debate evening provided a lively discussion between our esteemed panellists which included partners from White … Continued

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High Court Rules Claimants Can Recover Cost of Disbursement Funding
TheJudge June 13th, 2013

A group of Claimants, instructing Hugh James, has recently been successful in recovering the cost of their disbursement funding arrangement from the Defendant in the High Court. The Claimants, primarily being former employees of a phurnacite plant in South Wales, … Continued

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Patents County Court – Hindsight is a Wonderful Thing!
TheJudge June 12th, 2013

The recent case of Henderson v All Around the World Recordings Ltd & Anor [2013] EWPCC 19 reaffirmed that After the Event (‘ATE’) insurance premiums and CFA success fees fall within the Patents County Court (‘PCC’) costs cap. In very … Continued

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