Enforcing an award – when the tail wags the dog
Sarah Breckenridge September 4th, 2024

As a former litigator, I still get a rush of excitement when an application comes across my desk for funding which I would have loved to run myself in my previous role. The allure of such a case may be … Continued

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Tracking the government’s proposed Bill to overturn PACCAR
Erso March 11th, 2024

What is the status of the Litigation Funding Agreements (Enforceability) Bill [HL] ?   Track the current status of the bill live here.   24 May 2024 – Update: PACCAR reversal bill set to stall in General Election     … Continued

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Florida proposes legislation to regulate litigation finance: a bellwether?
Caroline Parker-Beaudrias February 22nd, 2024

Florida recently joined the push to regulate the litigation funding industry, with the “Litigation Investment Safeguards and Transparency Act” introduced into the state’s legislature in early January 2024. The Act has elements familiar from other bills focusing on litigation funding, … Continued

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Unified Patents Court – taking stock
Erso January 19th, 2024

The Unified Patent Court (UPC), long-awaited, opened in June 2023 and is being watched with interest by the patent community. Less than a year in, there is a limited track record against which patent holders and their lawyers can make … Continued

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Does PACCAR signal a move towards funder regulation?
Sarah Breckenridge January 11th, 2024

The case most talked about in funding circles last year was PACCAR, and perhaps the term most closely linked with it was “shockwaves”. The tremors seem to have passed though, and 2024 may see some repairs made to those shaken … Continued

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Proposed US Legislation Focuses on Disclosure and National Security
Erso November 6th, 2023

On September 14, 2023, U.S. Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and John Kennedy (R-LA) and U.S. Representative Mike Johnson (R-LA), recently elected as Speaker of the House, introduced the “Protecting Our Courts from Foreign Manipulation Act of 2023,” stating that the … Continued

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Funding from both sides of the fence
Erso August 11th, 2022

by Sarah Breckenridge, Investment Manager at Erso Capital This blog was first published on the Thomas Reuters Practical Law Dispute Resolution Blog on 8 August 2022.  Ask around the litigation department of any law firm and someone will have a … Continued

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Erso May 26th, 2022

    While we regularly invest in largescale litigation matters, at Erso we’ve always recognised the lack of available capital in the litigation funding market to support commercial disputes that require relatively small funding commitments. Find out more about our … Continued

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Erso April 29th, 2022

On the 2nd of March 2022, the Dubai International Arbitration Centre (“DIAC”) published the DIAC Arbitration Rules 2022 (“the 2022 Rules”). The Rules follow the re-launch of DIAC by Decree No. 34 of Year 2021, which abolished existing arbitration centres … Continued

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